Governor Candidate Klar Announces Yet More Candidates


Brookfield, Vermont, July 14, 2020: On July 16, at 11:00am at the Vermont State House, Republican candidate for Governor John Klar will present Vermonters with a third round of candidates to consider for election. Klar has attracted nearly thirty candidates to agree to a three-issue policy priority list to present to Vermonters: the economy, pensions and the opioid epidemic.

John Klar argues that only his campaign offers a viable economic plan to Vermonters. The full plan -- titled “The 2020 Vermont Farming Manifesto” -- is available at his web site, Klar proposes to boost farms and small businesses with tax credits and a paring back of restrictive and costly regulatory compliance, concurrent with reducing government expenditures.

Democrat candidates are using the COVID crisis to call for more government spending and programs to help those in need. Klar asserts that working taxpayers are the ones in need -- last year when he announced his run, Klar recited statistics showing that Vermont state employee salaries grew nearly 15% from 2013-2017, while Vermonters’ median income rose a paltry 3.78% over the same period (which includes those state worker gains!!). Klar argues the wealth transfer is from taxpayers to a deaf bureaucracy, and that Vermonters’ incomes are not keeping pace with inflation -- unless they work for the State, where their income growth is guaranteed.

Klar argues that increased government bloat is unsustainable and dangerous. He and his slate of qualified candidates stand behind a detailed plan to reverse this crisis. COVID has revealed not just how poor Vermonters are, but how poorly its government is serving them. His team offers a rescue plan for Vermont taxpayers!